Phyto Attached Growth Reactor
Our Newest Solution
PhAGR is a newly patented technology (patent #10,865,129) as an innovative new treatment concept called the Phyto Attached Growth Reactor (PhAGR).
good for the environment.
Good for business.
Net zero carbon
Research supports COC treatment including:
amonia N, nitrate N, pathogens
Some metals and metaloids.
PhAGR cleans up contaminants-of-concern (COC) still above discharge concentrations yet very dilute.
PhAGR uses photosynthesis in trees to create sugars and proteins, sent through phloem to the rhizosphere, growing new roots and leaking the photosynthate where microbes attach and feed. The primary electron donor is provided by the root system which grows, matures, and increases capacity as roots occupy the containment. The pollutant is not the only electron donor to support microbes; BOD and petrochemical organics are secondary. Microbial activity is attached and diverse.
Tested. Proven. Results.
Example #1
Tater Tot Processing Plant — Port of Morrow, OR
Removal test from 2011-2013, show how effectively our PhAGR test cells removed nitrogen from tater tot processing waste water.
Even during the dormant season, PhAGR trees work to remove contaminants from wastewater.
94-97% Nitrogen removal in test cells
Example #2
GACO Western — Tukwila, WA
PhAGR bags have demonstrated the efficacy of root rhizospheres to remove industrial contaminants of concern (COC), including BTEX compounds.
GACO Western location in Tukwila WA. has a solvent plume under a building foundation slab. PhAGR bags irrigated with contaminated COC’s showed effective pollutant removal.